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Guide to Cryptocurrencies in a Roth IRA | Bitcoin IRA

Guide to Cryptocurrencies in a Roth IRA | Bitcoin IRA

New investors are often curious about the benefits of a Roth IRA vs. a traditional IRA. The most significant difference between the two is how each is taxed.

Investors may make pre-tax contributions to a traditional IRA, and then the money is taxed when it is withdrawn. With a Roth IRA, the money contributed may not be tax-deductible in the contribution year, but it might also not be taxed when it is withdrawn at retirement age. For investors considering long-term cryptocurrency investments, the potential tax benefits make the Roth IRA an attractive option.

So why might investors consider a self-directed Roth IRA?

Overall, Roth IRAs potentially remove or mitigate the risk of a future increase in retirement income taxes. Additionally, assuming that the account grows over time, a Roth IRA holds the possibility of paying fewer taxes on the resulting amount when an investor enters retirement.

Cryptocurrencies in a Roth IRA

To achieve portfolio diversity, you may invest in alternative assets, such as cryptocurrencies within both a Roth or traditional IRA. An option for investors seeking to add digital currency to an IRA would be to consider seeking out an IRA custodian offering alternative investments.

Having a separate account for alternative asset investing may help to diversify a retirement portfolio as a whole. Diversifyingaway from traditional assets, like stocks and bonds, can be important for investors who are looking to prepare for future market adjustments. Investors can use self-directed Roth IRA accounts for many alternative assets, including cryptocurrencies, real estate, and much more.

Investors may choose to roll over portions of existing or entire accounts to an IRA custodian in order to fund a self-directed Roth IRA for cryptocurrency investing. Meanwhile, those without an existing Roth IRA account may also open a self-directed IRA for cryptocurrency with the same custodian and make contributions.

Investing a Roth IRA in Cryptocurrencies

Like any other type of investing, it’s typical for investors to begin by educating themselves about the assortment of cryptocurrency options available. One thing to note would be finding a platform with offerings that cater to the interests of the investor. Bitcoin IRA offers investors more than 60 types of cryptocurrencies to choose from. The more choices available, the easier it is for investors to diversify their portfolio with crypto holdings.

Another route for eager investors to consider could be to divide funds between three of the more popular cryptocurrencies to diversify their entire retirement portfolio. That said, some investors may prefer to deeply research (crypto) projects based on their fundamentals by reading whitepapers, online articles and using social media to learn how other investors rank their prospects.

There is no right or wrong way to go about investing, but it is best to have a strategy that works for you.

Opening a Cryptocurrency Roth IRA

Bitcoin IRA1 offers investors a tax-advantaged2 way to invest in various cryptocurrency assets directly in their self-directed IRAs. Investors can take advantage of the simple process of opening an account. The 24/7 platform can be accessed from mobile devices, allowing for easy trading and management of your Roth IRA.

2Some taxes may apply. We recommend you consult your tax, legal, and investment advisor.


Questions on getting started with cryptocurrency investing in your Bitcoin IRA account? Our specialists are here to help! Call us at 877-936-7175 or email us today.

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